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23 mar 2010

Your shadow..

La tua ombra cambia forma in viaggio, si ingobbisce su una duna, si spezzetta nel sole dietro a una grata, si frantuma sui sassi, vibra dal finestrino di un treno, si irrigidisce, lunga, nel tedio di una pianura coperta di brina. Danza sul telo mosso dal vento, si impenna contro una roccia, dando, talvolta, al tuo profilo angoli bizzarri. Vedendo la tua ombra cambiare, ti accorgi che muovendoti non rimani mai uguale.
[Marco Aime, Sensi di viaggio, 2005]

(Merowe, Sudan - 26.10.2007)

Your shadow changes shape on the road, hunched over a dune, it divides into the sun behind a grating, it shatters on the rocks, vibrates on a train window, it freezes, long, in the tedium of a plain covered with hoar-frost. It dances on a cloth moved by the wind, it soars over a rock, giving sometimes to your profile bizarre angles. 
 Seeing your shadow changing, you realize that by moving you’ll never be the same.
[Marco Aime, Sensi di viaggio, 2005]

 (Nile river, Khartoum, Sudan - 27.11.2009)

14 mar 2010

My fellows travellers!!

Unkonda, Jaime and...Bongo (as Shella representative)!!!

Thank you!


Midnight flight, morning landing, rain, airplane again...and than only sun, friends, beaches, waves, cold breeze from the ocean, octopus and calamari, hakuna matata, maulidi mubarak, dhow race, dreads, unkonda and her laughs, the blonde photographer and her lessons, tusker (only one..and another..and another..and another..), pink and blu uniforms, polaroids, floating party, sunset, relax, stars, system shut down.

I've got back my dreams, something was (also) mine.

And now it's time to get up.
Life is in my hands and I like it.
I love travel, I love my work, I love meet people, I love colors and music.

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